Healthy Glow

Essential Facials

60 min/$99

The essential facial is the go-to facial for all skin types to improve, maintain and restore dermal health. Customized facial to promote a clear complexion and healthy glow using products and technology to address common skin concerns and leave you glowing. Treatment may include: facial massage, lymphatic drainage, minimal extractions, gentle peel, microdermabrasion, high frequency. A truly customized facial!

60 min/$115

Detoxifying and decongesting facial focusing on gently cleansing skin and extracting pores. Detoxing exfoliation followed by a calming, acne treatment masque applied to help calm and sooth skin after extractions. Complete facial with Celluma LED Blue Light Therapy & high frequency, where a healing electrical light energy and oxygen convert into purifying ozone destroying bacteria that causes acne, healing of all levels of acne.

60 min/$155

Fountain of Youth facial! Deepest exfoliation possible! Dermaplaning is a non-invasive skin resurfacing procedure using a special kind of blade to gently remove the outer layer of dead skin cells and unwanted hair immediately leaving skin smooth, supple and vibrant. Removing epidermal skin also allows product to penetrate more readily into the deeper layers. Oxygen facial to follow leaves your skin plump and glowing! Best facial before an event. No down time!

45 min/$75

Clear Skin Facial, but adjusted for teens! Comes with skin cleanse, extractions, & healing Clear Skin masque. High Frequency rids surface skin of acne causing bacteria while promoting healing for acne/extractions. Finishing touches are Clear Skin serum, Clear Skin moisturizer and SPF.