With our changing weather the way it is right now, it is difficult to keep up with hydration and hydrated skin! Here are a few tips – along with your current skincare regiment -on how to keep hydrated from the inside out!
Tip 1: Eat more water-and antioxidant-rich foods
Fruits and veggies are excellent for your skin! Water-and antioxidant-rich foods increase the total water content of your body and, in working with your moisturizers, will make skin supple and healthy.
Ex. cherries, berries, beets, spinach and mushrooms
Tip 2: Eat more healthy fats
Healthy fats are the building blocks of skin cells. Skin is the largest organ of the body and protecting the skin’s integrity is important to our overall health. As the barrier from the outside environment, it protects us from bacteria and viruses. Cracked skin is compromised skin!
Ex. Omega-3 foods such as salmon, mackerel, avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil
Tip 3: Drink more water
Dehydration is more common than you think! While we attempt to consume copious amounts of water, understanding causes of hydration are important as well! Dehydration can be caused by your diet, lifestyle, environment, improper skincare routine, and even stress! Did you know, when you are stressed, your heart rate increases and you are breathing more heavily which causes a loss in fluid? Yes!
Tip 4: Adding additional hydration to your skin
Add a thermal water spray to your regimen. Yes! Using a spray mist can hydrate the skin externally, decrease irritation and redness of the skin and support a healthy skin microbiome.
Ex. Eminence Organics’ Stone Crop Hydrating Mist and Neroli Age Corrective Hydrating Mist